a laundry list of...laundry
Clothes. If I could find a way to effectively manage the ridiculous amount of clothing in my life, I would be a happier person.
The clothing ranges in size:
Boys-24 mo.- Dark colors garnished with various vehicles; excavators to trains, (some with cartoon faces, some without) sporting equipment, and woodland creatures; most featuring crotches with snaps...the outfits not the critters.
I need to add that having a baby means clothes are always in a state of flux. And I want to preface this with stating that I am eternally GRATEFUL to my three friends that have given me clothes for J to wear from their older boys. I am NOT complainig. However, this means that when he outgrows these outfits, I have to find a place for the small stuff and then sort them into the piles for the people who gave them to me so that I can return them. It's this confusing shuffle of Rubbermade totes, Hefty garbage bags, and Sharpie markers (used to label the tags for their rightful owners). Then I have to find a home for the totes for the stuff he hasn't grown into yet. Again...not ungrateful, just trying to capture the whole picture.
Girls-6-8- Mostly pastels and, thanks to K, a disproportionate amount of pink. The majority of the decals are now gone from these clothes, although we do still see the occasional Disney princess. Catholic school uniform- my only non-complaint about clothes is at least E wears a uniform. K makes up for that though because she changes clothes several times a day depending on her persona at any given moment. She probably has as many dress up outfits as regular clothes. This compounds my problem. She'll start off as a ballerina, and throughout the day she'll make her way through the attire of an acrobat, *cringe* pop star, figure skater, fairy, princess... fairyprincess etc. I have to admit that turning around and finding a different kid staring at me each hour adds variety to my life, but the clothes are EVERYWHERE!
Women's- size...not your concern- black or earthtones. Jeans, sweaters, sweats & tees. And I conserve. Since I never get to the gym anymore, I workout here in my pj's. See, I am trying to be part of the solution.
Men's- size L- Workout clothes, Work clothes, and sit around clothes. That's right, three outfit changes a day...and I wonder where K gets it.
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