Friday, December 29, 2006

christmas pictorial

Christmas went very well, peaceful, thank goodness.

Here's what Santa left under the tree.

super cool racetrack

American Girl, Kit Kittredge

A microscope and marbles for E (no pictures, oddly) so here's one of her reading Dragonology with Uncle Mike. The whole series of books (Egyptology, Wizardology, and Fairyopolis) is awesome, interactive, and beautiful...but I digress.

Another memorable moment was when my brother Bobby opened his gift from Mike, Laura, and I. His favorite childhood toy was "Biff the Talking Bear" who long, long ago lost his ability to speak in a terrible accident. He still has the original, but Mike found a talking, albeit shirtless, Biff on EBay, and we chipped in. Bobby loved being able to hear all his phrases like "My name's Biff, and I'm all bear" and "Want to fight? No? That's good." He was really happy with it. Here are Mike, his favorite vintage sock monkey, Cheetah, Bobby, and (naked) Biff II.

Well, blogger is being difficult with the picture uploading, so the pictorial portion of the post ends here.

Other highlights:

Brother Tom won the Most Unusual gift contest with an ornament depicting Santa and a reindeer stuck inside a sardine can.

E got to have "5 Golden Rings" in the 12 Days of Christmas song.


Laura got K one step closer to rock stardom with an awesome acoustic guitar and Emma one step closer to mad scientist status with a kit to grow carnivorous plants.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Looks like you had a fine holiday!

9:35 AM  

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