Wednesday, October 31, 2007

dmb hh


Friday, October 26, 2007

thanks to thin mints...

Last month, E's Girl Scout troop went to the American Girl Store for lunch. They were "flying up" from Brownies to Junior Scouts and we wanted to do something special with the Girl Scout Cookie money that we saved for the past three years.
Here are some pictures from the day.

Here's E and Josephenia next to the display of her home.

We took this one for K, it's the bedroom of her doll, Kit. (If I were a little girl I would have wanted Kit. She's a ten year old during the Great Depression who's prized possession in a typewriter.)

This craked me up. Each bathroom stall had a "hanger" for a doll.

Even the food was adorable. The other mom that went ordered this mini burger, hot dog, and mac and cheese. They were so dainty, this picture doesn't quite show how adorable the food was.

The dolls got a special seat next to the girls. If someone didn't have a doll they could chose one of several to be a guest for the meal.

I had a very tasty quiche and most of the girls had the Tic Tac Toe Pizza. The dining room was very elegant and the girls were treated like special guests, the tables had these little boxes filled with conversation starters like "Where do you envision yourself in ten years?" and "How would you feel if someone tells you that you can't do something because you are a girl?"

Check out the dessert.

It was so nice to see a bunch of nine-year-old girls playing with dolls that looked like normal girls. They got a glimpse of what girls their age from different ethnic backgrounds and eras in American history were like.

You can't walk down the "girl" asile in any toy store these days with out getting hit on by whorish Bratz and trampy My Scene Barbie dolls. There's even some line of little plastic animals that wear eyeshadow look like they're about to head out clubbing.

I really like AG dolls, not only because they don't look like starlets on their way to rehab, but because of their focus on American history. The books that go along with the dolls are very well written and do an excellent job of teaching history within the context of the stories. Sure the dolls are expensive and yes the AG store is all about consumerism, but when faced with the alternative,

I'll take AG any day.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

riddle me this

E gave me a riddle from her friend M.E.
Since I got today's riddle on the LO-Down, I thought I'd ask it here.

There are three brothers in a continuous marathon.
The first is quite short and very slow.
the next is taller and runs faster than the first.
the last is very tall and goes very quickly.

Who are they?

Friday, October 19, 2007

ward, something is wrong with the beaver

While researching 1950's dialog for a project at work, I came across this, and it cracked me up.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

"great" "blog"

I read an article in the Trib about this blog.

I "love" it!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

proofreading dinner

Every once in a while, something happens that makes the teacher in me want to take out the trusty old red pen. This evening, while waiting for the oven to preheat, I experienced that sort of moment.

From DiGIORNO's website: For over 10 years, DIGIORNO Pizza has created advertising that is as memorable as the pizzas we produce.

Apparently, without the aid of a copyeditor.
Here is the back of the box:

Do they have something against commas? And the extra large capital letter for each word bugs me too.

On an amusing note, they may not be catering to the most cerebral customer base, as #1 on the list of directions is, "Do not eat pizza without cooking."

Having said my piece, I am now going to enjoy my rising crust pizza (punctuation deficient as it may be).