Friday, November 30, 2007

-uckle head

Saw this quote from yesterday's Trib:
“I manage a bunch of knuckleheads on a daily basis,”
Here's the article from which it came.

I've just always liked the word knucklehead. It's fun to say.

I looked up it's origin (because i'm geeky like that) and found this:

"knucklehead," meaning a stupid or slow-witted person, is classic US slang dating back to the period of World War II. Apparently "knucklehead" arose as a variant of "bonehead," meaning that a stupid person has a thick skull impervious to listening or learning. (The word "knuckle," meaning the end of a bone at a joint, itself comes from a Germanic root meaning "little bone.") There's some evidence that "knucklehead" was originally military slang.

While "knucklehead" is of relatively recent vintage, a similar term, "chucklehead," dates back to the 18th century, and has nothing to do with "chuckle" in the sense of quiet laughter. The "chuck" in "chucklehead" is the same as "chock," meaning a large block of wood. So a "chucklehead" behaves like a "blockhead" with a head made of thick wood.

Chucklehead is my new favorite insult.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

haiku review


disney mocks itself
dempsey is, well, mcdreamy
funny family flick

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

how can it be?

A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays five days and rides out of town on Friday.

How is this possible?

Monday, November 26, 2007

a chilly day at the park

Monday, November 19, 2007

haiku review

Lars and the Real Girl

sad, sweet, and touching
anatomically correct
such superb acting

The Bee Movie

buzz buzz Seinfeld buzz
buzz lots of honey jokes buzz
buzz quite cute buzz buzz

Friday, November 09, 2007

the people that you meet, when you're walking down the street...

Okay, I wasn't walking down the street, but I was cruising the booths at a trade show when I met quite the celebrity (for the under 5 set or anyone growing up watching Public Television)- Bob from Sesame Street. I always liked him best out of the humans that inhabited that Muppet neighborhood. (Though, Mr. Hooper was cool too R.I.P.) Bob always had this calming quality about him, and it always came across that he really loved educating children through music.

He was so nice (and not just because he flattered me about being too young to possibly have 10 years teaching experience and three children). I like Bob even more now :)

Here was my favorite visual from the day:

Kar and I wanted to just walk around with it like a picket sign.