Saturday, July 01, 2006


So, we saw Click last week. I really liked it. I it was panned in several reviews that I read, but I think that Adams Sandler gets a bad rap.

Disclaimer: With the exception of Little Nicky I've genuinely liked all of his movies. Despite the juvenile gross out humor present in much of his work (some of it I roll my eyes at, some of it I'm crying with laughter at) he has this underlying genuine sweetness about him and his comic timing is so great. He has proven his diversity. Punch-Drunk Love is such a good film. This, however, is the movie that Tom thinks I'm whacked out for liking so much because it's so dark, and my brother-in-law chastises me for recommending to him because Sandler's character was so messed up and depressing-he claims I owe him two hours of his life back. But I digress, (that's what I do's the NAME of the blog!)My point is I think he is misunderstood and pigeon-holed as just a goof, but he has a lot of talent.

So Click is what I'm calling a modern It's a Wonderful Life. Now I don't want a lot of angry e-mails from all of my readers shouting "Blasphemy!" I'm not saying it's as good as IWL, that is truly one of the best movies ever. I'm saying the theme is the same. And I think they did a really good job of presenting modern day impediments to truly appreciating one's life. The special effects were fun, Sandler was hysterical, Kate Beckinsale was beautiful and gave a really good performance, the kids were super cute, and Christopher Walken did an amazing Christopher Walken impression. I don't want to spill out any spoilers for the two or three people who read this, so I'll just say I recommend it and that I won't be able to shop at Bed Bath and Beyond without thinking about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you really have me curious, I'm going to have to see it now.

8:02 PM  

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