Saturday, November 11, 2006

I'm going to steal an idea from planetdan, as I am not feeling very creative. He wrote about memories of all of his teachers. This caused a flood of memories about the teacher that still strikes fear into my heart to this very day.

I cried almost every day of first grade because Sister C was so mean... until my mom bribed me with a Sean Cassidy album. The most traumatic moment was when she scruntched my ear, my poor little innocent six-year-old ear for goodness sakes, because I was tapping my bookmark as I was reading. She also dumped my desk upsidedown on several occasions because it was so messy. Then when we were making shamrock stickers, and I accidentally crumpled up the shamrock instead of the scrap pieces, she derided me in front of the class yelling, "What kind of an Irishman are you?" Seriously!!!Who says that to a six-year-old? I remember her smiling at me once, however. She made a joke that only she understood, when she pulled Kaz and I out of line and said "Carol...O'Connor...Carol...O'Connor" in a very Letterman "Uma...Oprah" kind of way. She was a mean, ornery lady, and Sean's dreamy eyes and the Do-Run-Run was poor compensation for her sadistic ways.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You remember that song "They don't make nun names like they used to"?

Thank goodness that they don't make nuns like that anymore. She was a meany, somehow I skirted her evil abuse when I had her.

I wonder what made her so mean. That tight rap around headgear surely did not help her disposition.

So sorry you had to deal with her at such a young age. People that pick on those that can not defend themselves are the worst.

5:21 PM  

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