Wednesday, November 15, 2006

pain in the neck

While walking to answer the door on Halloween, I fell. It was a funny fall--a cartoon-like "lady steps on a toy truck and falls into the splits" kind of fall. Hi-sterical, right? Sure, even I laughed at the time. But it's been two weeks and my neck has been in varying degrees of pain ever since. I must have wrenched it while I was catching myself as my legs pointed in different directions, one foot still on the tow truck that was saying, "Hey buddy, hook me up!" my left arm flailing in the air with a flourish that should have ended with me saying "Ta-Da!" and my right arm, shoulder, and side of my neck taking the brunt of the impact.

Four trips to the Chiropractor for heat packs, electrodes prodding my muscles, and adjustments, several valerian root and Aleve pills, and it still hurts so so much. I have carried my stress in my neck muscles my whole life, and this is just a bad combination of an injury on top of the various craziness going on in my life stress-wise right now.

I'm not typing this to be a whiner. Really, I just can't think of anything else but my discomfort right now, (and I'm in complete denial about starting a life altering job in less than twelve hours) and truly, it was a funny fall that I wanted to describe. I would like to complete the description with...a picture of the culprit:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those darn blue trucks with red hats will get you everytime!

Hope you heal soon.

6:44 AM  

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