Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So as I am learning to navigate my iMac, the girls are looooving the photo booth feature.
Please to enjoy...

Siamese Ninja

The Scream

The Wharhol

and even though I caught guff about this "not looking like me" here's Roo and me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

i don't know why but,

Roo in a baseball hat just melts my heart.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


As if I didn't have a difficult enouogh time keeping up with posts on this blog, I'm starting a new one to chronicle the construction of our new home (and all the hijinks that are sure to ensue).

Check it out

The link is also on the right.

Friday, March 16, 2007

let there be images

So, as I was saying, before I was so rudely intrrupted... I am going to post pictures to avoid typing about the impending insanity that is about to descend around here.

So, during my lack of blogging we had:




and illness

The picture above is what T saw upon returning home one day last week upon which he exclaimed, "What kind of a sick twisted dinnder is THAT?!"
We all took turns getting this awful debilitating illness. And poor J wouldn't eat or take medicine and that lovely place setting was the result.

Workwise things are going well, many kudos all around for my scripts (relief) and then there's the move and the house which...yeah, I'm not ready to type about yet.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Due to many requests to "get out of the box" I am posting something new.

We are moving in less than a month, and it is so overwhelming that if I begin to type about it, it will freak me out more, so right now I am going to post pictures on my awesome brand spanking new iMac we received due to Best Buy filing or awful PC under the Lemon Law.(It died just five days before the service plan was up) So I guess I am a Mac person now.


I guess I'm NOT a Mac person, because I can't get Blogger to upload pictures from here.

Ugh, even the button for hyperlink is missing.

This is very disappointing.

I am tired.

sorry this was a lame post.

okay I went on the blogger help boards and it is happening to everyone.
I'm sorry my new Mac...I didn't mean to blame you.
You are a very good Mac...goooood Mac.
It's not your fault.
Its bad Blogger's fault.
Bad Blogger...Bad!

Friday, March 02, 2007

a night in the box

This is what they do with me at work when I'm not writing very well.