Saturday, July 01, 2006

warning: dorkiness alert

DMB. Alpine. Tonight.

I can't contain myself. I just downloaded the five new songs that they have been playing this tour so that I can listen to them on the way there. They sound really good from the quick listen I did. I hope they do a few tonight. Last tour was really good, but I am so excited about today. Dave always says how Alpine is one of his favorite venues, and they tend to bring out interesting stuff there. They have been teasing the song "Last Stop" which hasn't been played since 2003 and is such an amazing song, but especially if it's live. I think I may be a off one way or the other, but I believe this is around my 15th show. Seeing them live is just one of my favorite things to do

My sincere hope is that it doesn't pour. Rain at Alpine is the WORST because you're just parking in the middle of a field, there's always huge puddles everywhere, there are so many steep hills, and mix all that together with all the high/drunk people and it's icky. However, the forecast calls for scattered strong thunderstorms, so I don't think we can avoid it. Maybe I can do some sort of anti-rain dance.

At any rate, rain or no rain, I'm in the best mood because... I'm going... and on top of that we have tickets for September too so...yea!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But he's no BRUCE!

Hope you stayed dry.

8:03 PM  

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