Tuesday, July 04, 2006

random unrelated thoughts...with links!

K is pretty good at Jenga.

E figured out how to determine how old The United States is, and then accurately did the math.

J mastered climbing up the ladder and sliding down the slide.

I have this song from the Wicked soundtrack stuck in my head and I can't get it out because the girls keep singing it. (Its hysterical and disturbing to see them staring defiantly at each other singing "loathing...Unadulterated loathing...")

I was very disheartened to hear the first notes of "Salisbury Hill"
and then look up to see that it was a commercial for Cingular Wireless.

We watched the shuttle take off, it was really cool. The girls were really interested in it, especially E. Hey, we actually saw "rocket's red glare" today. My sister remembered that movie Space Camp and Es all psyched to see it. I never realized Joaquin Phoenix was the kid in that.

And finally, here's an ice cream I have no desire to eat.

Happy 4th!


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