Tuesday, August 22, 2006

mother of the year application essay

Dear Mother of the Year Nomination Committee,

I believe I should still be considered for the title "MOTY" even though it is 11:45 p.m. the night before the first day of school and E is up watching Kim Possible episodes... Fine, I'll withdraw my name.

*sigh* Poor little thing. She woke up around 10:00 after going to bed at 8:45. She was coughing and wanted water. I knew this was trouble. Once she wakes up like that she works herself into this crazy frenzy about being up too late, convinces herself that she won't be able to get back to sleep, and it always escalates into this tearful dramatic thing. I got her back to bed, but then at 11:30 she came in the living room half asleep and crying about her dreams(Sorry Laura, I am truly not blaming this on you)about being at Great America and being forced to go on rides she didn't want to. She was actually coughing pretty badly and had that whole lower-lip-sucking-in-cry thing going on and she wasn't fully awake. So I said, "You know what, why don't I give you some cough medicine, put on some cartoons, and you can sit up for a bit." It totally worked. While I was typing this she calmed down and decided to go back to bed on her own. (it's 11:58) I should probably get to sleep myself. I just know I'm going to have that recurring "I'm riding on a roller coaster and the car I'm in goes flying off the track" dream.


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