Friday, August 18, 2006


This is the yoga symbol for "deep sleep."

Sometimes I have good ideas. Tonight was one of those times. I am pleased with myself.

Roo has entered a new phase. The I-can-climb-out-of-my-crib-and-refuse-to-sleep-anymore phase. Now I must preface my lament with the fact that this child, from the time he was nine months old until a few days ago, went to sleep at seven o'clock p.m. and was usually never heard from until seven o'clock a.m. He was an awesome sleeper. Plus he took a two to three hour nap everyday. I should have appreciated that more. Now that he knows how to climb out, has tasted freedom, and discovered that the house doesn't shut down once his light goes off - he flat out refuses to obediently stay in his crib and sleep.

I remember this with the girls, though they were much harder to get to sleep than Jack, and they would stay quiet and calm so long as I was in the room. So, with the light off, their little toddler radars could detect if I were present. And if I were, they would at least lie there quietly and eventually fall asleep. I also remember when the girls went through this phase, that I would end up lying down on the floor and would inevitably fall asleep myself before trying to inch my way to the door in order to escape. Then I would wake up disoriented with a stiff neck and sore back.

Back to my good idea. So this has been happening the last few nights. Tonight I went to lie down and ended up in the yoga child's pose position. I thought to myself, this feels good. So I proceeded to silently do a bunch of yoga poses and stretches, Pilates hundreds, and two sets of 150 crunches. I heard his breathing turn from erratic to contently sleeping and was able to sneak out.

Sleeping boy - Check!
Work out done - Check!

It seems like a minor thing to be pleased with myself about, but I am nonetheless.


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