Thursday, July 06, 2006

bee mine

Just as I was about to leave for work, we heard K crying and screaming incoherently from outside. This is not an uncommon thing to hear. It could have been because she didn't get her favorite swing, or E didn't want to play what she wanted to play, or... the list could go on for pages. Suffice it to say that she has a flash temper if things don't go her way, and the resulting fit of red distorted faced arm-crossing, foot-stomping rage is as disturbing as it is annoying. We are working on it, but lately it's just been ridiculous. Anyway, back to the crying and incoherent shrieking. I was just about ready to lose my temper and yell at her about her outbursts when I heard through the crying, "I hurt myself...and I don't know HOW!!!"

She was looking at her leg... and I knew right away...bee sting!

The poor thing. When I told her that's what it was, I might as well have said shark bite judging by the look on her face. She was freaked. We calmed her down, and put an icepack on it.

I had to leave, but all the way to work, I was so worried. All of a sudden I was like I should have given her Benadryl! What if she's allergic? I'm not one of those "nervous moms" but I started to feel all this anxiety about it. When I called home and asked how she was T was like, "Well okay if you ignore the fact that she can't see because it swelled up all the way over her eyes...ha ha!" Yeah, he's a funny one. But still I was feeling this unrealistic anxiety about it all day. When I got home I was like, "K, how are you? How's your bee sting?" She replied "Huh? Oh, fine, I forgot all about my bee sting"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That graphic was a bit disturbing to me. Ouch.

10:56 PM  

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