Sunday, July 09, 2006


I wanted to like Superman Returns so much more than I did. I felt it was edited poorly, I guess. It dragged a lot. I felt they dropped the ball with a few different aspects of the plot and characters that could have made it better.

I really liked the guy Brandon Routh, who played Superman. I thought he did a good job, I totally bought that he was the character. I have always liked Kevin Spacey a lot, and I thought he did a great/evil Lex, but I don't think they used him enough. Parker Posey was great as Kitty as well. Kate Bosworth missed the mark for me as Lois Lane, she was just so blah to me. I know she was supposed to have lost some of her "spunk" due to Superman leaving her and faking her way through another relationship and having a kid, but, I don't know, again, just, blah...flat...lacking.
The little kid was cute and a pretty good actor, but again, just not used enough, they could have done so much more with him.

I get that they are wanting to start another Superman franchise with many many sequels, and they don't want to use it all up on the first film, but I felt they didn't give enough here, I was expecting more.


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