Friday, August 25, 2006

cinema celebration

E said that all she really wanted for her birthday this year was to have a "friend party" with kids from school. I really didn't want to have it here, so we booked a party/movie screening of Zoom, the new Tim Allen super hero flick, at the the York theater.

We had a party room for an hour before the film, so I brought paper for the kids to do a super hero mural. Here E seems to be directing/critiquing her friends' work.

Then we had tasty cupcakes and juiceboxes and played a rousing game of Heads Up 7-Up before the usher kids came to the theater.

Once they were all seated, the usher kid was like, "Who's the birthday girl?" I thought they were going to sing to her or something (like at Benihana) but instead he's like, "Okay let's go upstairs so you can start the movie." It was SO cool, E and I got to go up to the projection booth and see the machines and she pressed the button to start the movie. She was so excited!

They all got popcorn, gummy bears and lemonade, the kids were amazingly well behaved, and the movie was pretty good (for what it was)but Chevy Chase got so old, it was sad...but I digress. It was a great day and E was really happy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Looks like Emma had a nice birthday celebration.

8:11 AM  

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