Sunday, August 27, 2006

watching the emmy's vs. studying in sri lanka

My old school that closed had a get-together barbecue today. It was really nice seeing old students, families, and faculty. The kids all seemed happy to see me, lots of hugs and "I miss yous." It felt good, but I also felt short and old. All the kids grew SO much, some of them just tower over me, and I found out that several former students are currently working on getting their Master's Degrees. One is studying world religions in Sri Lanka....Sri Lanka. Not that I would prefer to be in Sri Lanka right now...But, wow.
His sister starts her first day as a TA in freshman English classes at Marquette tomorrow. Her mom did say that I was the person that inspired her to become an English teacher. That totally made my day. Gosh, she could probably teach circles around me. I have taught some of the brightest kids. I miss it. I wish I were still in the classroom part time. I really wish I were still there. It was home. I also really wish I had gotten my masters degree before I had kids. This is a very wishy post - 'least its not washy. Oh well wish, wish, wish. This is sort of a rambly post. I'm going to go watch the Emmy's now and hope Conan can make me laugh.


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