Friday, July 28, 2006

one eyed lucy

I took the girls into work today. The president declared it "picture day." I'm thinking my long-neck-geek-Kimmy-Gibbler-esque visage may be appearing somewhere on the product. Thankfully, so many people worked on the project so, if that is indeed the case, the image will be small.

So, it was very cool. They got to go into the sound booth and record their voices, play Pictionary on the white board, meet my co-workers and boss, and see their sharkinfested volcano island and happy park on a hill paintings up by my desk.

...uh, former desk. So not happy about this job ending. Bright side: I gained a lot of great "out of the classroom" experience, I think I improved my writing/editing skills, I met very nice, funny and extremely talented people, made some money, and learned I am capable of driving into the city and having a "big girl" job.

So, a while a go, Chris, one of the writers, brought in this puppet. It was homeless; he took pity, it was banned at his home, and it has hung out at work ever since. The girls took quite a liking to her, dubbed her One-Eyed Lucy (guess why), and Chris kindly bequeathed her to E and K. They were very excited.

Beginning the ride home, I was sad(yes the pigeons are still there)I suck at having things end (and being fired by the client via speakerphone didn't help). I just really cared about this project and liked it there so much, plus the uncertainty looming isn't something I'm coping with very well. While flipping through the radio stations, the girls said "StopStopStop" at "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart." A little while in, while changing lanes, I noticed One-Eyed Lucy in the rear view mirror. Emma had her lip-synching and doing the John-Travolta-Saturday-Night-Fever-Finger-Pointing disco move. It made me laugh and realize that maybe more time with these funny kids is just what I need.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great picture of the girls, but it wasn't lucy's best side.

8:02 AM  

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