Monday, July 17, 2006

underpass pigeons

I'm most likely losing my job in a month. This makes me sad. I really like it there and it's just so reminiscent of losing my job last year when my school closed and beginning the Fall (which I hate anyway) with so much uncertainty. *sigh*

One thing I will not miss if I lose my job is my journey through one of the underpasses on 90/94 on my commute home. Since April, this particular underpass has been home to two pigeon carcasses. One decapitated, one, well...probably waiting to be decapitated. Traffic is always pretty horrible, so I have never breezed through this birdie catacomb. I've always inched through in the right lane, next to the ledge, next to the bodies, there's no way I can avoid seeing them.

I keep thinking that someday, they'll be gone...that IDOT or some such agency will have come along and taken them off to a little aviary cemetery or crematorium. They are about five feet from one another, and I often wonder if they knew one another. (I have resisted the urge to name them) As weeks turned into months, I morbidly began to try to see if any decomposition had occurred. Amazingly...none is apparent.

As you, my faithful readers may have noticed, I like to put pictures at the top of my posts. I refrained from doing so for your sake, because if you Google Image "dead pigeon" you actually get images of said key words. And I didn't want to do that to you. This is not a happy post. Sorry. But, hey, if you look at the title really fast it looks like "underpants pigeons"...that's sorta funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From this moment forward, they will be known as:

Boxer Joe & Hanes

8:48 PM  

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